Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (828) 357-7411
EQI’s laboratory address: 104 Eastside Drive, Unit 302, Black Mountain, NC 28711
Hours vary. Please call or email to arrange a visit.

EQI is located in Black Mountain, North Carolina. We are in the Eastside Business Park near Black Mountain Ciderworks. Heading either east or west on US 70, turn north onto Grovestone Road then right into the business park. EQI is located in Unit #302 on the “Artisan Alley” side of the building near the tall concrete silo.
Our rivers exhibit signs of urban stormwater pollution, agricultural runoff, erosion, road salt, human and animal waste, industrial effluent, and trash. And some are relatively pristine for now. EQI works to document water quality in a standardized manner across the region.
Your tax-deductible donation of any size will go directly to EQI’s community science programs.
Methods of Payment:
• Check payable to EQI
104 Eastside Drive, Unit 302, Black Mountain, NC 28711
• Online with PayPal or Credit Card

The Environmental Quality Institute is a 501(c)3 organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (Tax ID #27- 1487941). Contributions to EQI are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ORGANIZATION AND A COPY OF ITS LICENSE ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NC STATE SOLICITATION LICENSING SECTION AT (919) 814-5400. THE LICENSE IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE STATE.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does EQI do with the data?
EQI has a network of partners who use the data for watershed planning, justifications for grant applications, focusing resources on conservation and restoration efforts where needed, educating and engaging communities, and detecting red flags of unusual results.
Who are EQI’s partners?
EQI’s partners are organizations, agencies, community groups, and businesses interested in particular geographic areas. These groups participate through project funding, using the data for watershed planning, sampling or volunteer coordination, and sample delivery, to name a few. Please see our project pages for a list of current partners for VWIN and SMIE monitoring programs.
Do you test the water in my community?
We might! Take a look at our new data portal and water quality maps here.
Does EQI test well water?
No, EQI does not hold laboratory certifications for drinking or groundwater.
What are the volunteer requirements for VWIN chemical monitoring?
No previous experience is required! This is a fairly family-friendly sampling protocol, but an adult or late teenager needs to be trained to perform the sampling. You have to be physically able to get in and out of the streams or drop a basket from a bridge in some cases. Let us know if you have limited mobility and we can direct you toward more easily accessible sampling sites.
What are the volunteer requirements for SMIE invertebrate monitoring?
No previous experience is required! This is an adults-only project since we are collecting real data, but teenagers 16+ are welcome with parental consent. You have to be physically able to get in and out of the streams. Let us know if you have limited mobility and we can direct you toward more easily accessible sampling sites.
What do I do about safety concerns while sampling?
The safety of our volunteers is critically important. If you feel unsafe for any reason, stop sampling immediately and leave the area. Watch out for poisonous plants and animals, severe weather, and stranger-danger. Do not wade into strongly flowing or high waters, and beware of slippery rocks. If you sample alone, let someone know you are going out and when you expect to return. While most VWIN monitoring sites are located at public access points such as bridges or parks, please be respectful of the property where you sample. For a true emergency, call 911.
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